Friday, November 18, 2011


Everyone has bad days -- it's a given -- every human has at least one bad day in a given time. It being due to their job, their kids not wanting to get up in the morning - which makes them late for work, spilling their coffee, or forgetting their lunch....but none of that compares to why today is a bad day for me ---- every year. Some "bad days" are unpredictable until you start the day off, but I know today on 11/18 of every year will be a bad day for me. I know the day before, I know two weeks before, I know that when this day comes around...I will have a bad day. Today brings memories with it every brings tears every year. I dread this day every year -- even though it's my amazing Nana's birthday...I dread this day. My bad day isn't like anyone else's so called "bad day" -- my brings more than disagreeing with a co-worker, or having to drag your child out the door & throw them into class, stained pants, or hunger pains -- my "bad day" brings much much more.

Today marks a tradegy. A tradegy that I wish I could stop from happening this day 6 years ago. A tradegy that has changed and impacted so many lives - it's unbelievable. This day 6 days ago God took another Angel -- but he also took someone's son, a friend to so many, a brother, the "class clown." Today doesn't get easier...I was told it would -- but it doesn't. Today comes with the sounds of tires screeching, yelling/screaming, horns honking, also comes with tears, crying, sadness, silence....and guilt. Yes, I said it -- it comes with guilt. I dread this day....but in reality I should be counting my blessings, and believe me I do -- but I also have guilt. I know there was nothing I could have done to change the outcome, God had the plan -- but I'm also human. We feel guilt.

Today is always rough, but never ever forgotten.

<3 RIP Dan Domas <3

Sunday, November 6, 2011

House/Drama/Party/5K Walk/Drama = the last two months

Life has been nothing but amazing these last few months we have been in Beaumont. We have found out day after day that this move was exactly what our family needed. Don't get me wrong we miss College Station, our friends, but moving to Beaumont has opened so many doors for us that would  have never opened if we were still in College Station in this time of our lives. It's been so long since I have posted a blog -- so get ready for updates & just some plain ole "blogging my thoughts!"

Even though life has been amazing -- that definitely doesn't mean that it has been calm. The last couple of months have been busy. Jeremiah & myself moved to Beaumont on August 5th. Michael's job couldn't let him go so fast & without someone to take his spot. So we lived apart for exactly 4 weeks.  It was a VERY difficult 4 weeks for all three of us. We made weekly trips to Conroe to meet Daddy for dinner, because it was getting to the point that Jeremiah would wave and say, "bye-bye" to Michael was just going to the bathroom. Then would whine & cry. Jeremiah would cry some nights saying, "dada" -- that's when we would basically cry ourselves to sleep. I won't lie, I spoiled Jeremiah those 4 weeks because I allowed Jeremiah to sleep with me most of the time. It was rough getting him to sleep in his own bed once we got into our house. But that's neither here nor there. ; )

The way we were wanting our family to be those 4 horrible long weeks away

We finally closed on our house on Sept 1st. We moved in the following weekend & that Friday after we closed & before we moved in -- Michael called me & said his boss JUST told him that when he came down to move his family into the new house -- he would stay & start in Beaumont that Monday. It was the best news ON TOP of closing on our first home. It was a great weekend. We also were able to have the whole day Monday the 5th since we were both off for Labor Day. We moved EVERYTHING out of storage into our new home that weekend. & it was great to wake up Monday morning as a family & know that it was going to stay that way. We enjoyed a day of watching cartoons with our son that was going crazy of all the room he had to roam in our new home. While in College Station we lived in a condo that was about 900 sqft...and moved into a home that is 1331sqft. It was a huge change, but we ALL love it.

Myself, Marla(our AMAZING realtor), & Michael

Signing our lives away..haha!

Labor Day & the day we got to spend together & enjoy the space
I started my new job at Texas Healthcare Management on August 15th & absolutely love it. I am a billing clerk/coordinator there. I bill Medicare & Medicaid for hospice services for River City Hospice for our Austin & San Antonio locations. I absolutely love my job & enjoy going every day. Michael started his lateral move with Pepsi on September 6. So far, he loves it. His hours are better here in Beaumont than they were in College Station...and with that being said, Jeremiah & I are loving it too! I do work way more than I did in College Station - as I was a part-time receptionist to a full-time billing clerk -- but I LOVE IT. Michael & I get home about the same time every day -- which makes the evenings so much better.

Unlike "normal" people that would move into their house & have weeks before they have any company so they had time to unpack & get that house ready for the many visitors to their new home...we didn't. Ha, because we have come to realize that we are not normal...but "strange." ; ) We had about a week until we actually invited the most people that helped us with the move to come and enjoy a dinner made by us. We were so excited that we wanted to share it with them first before anyone else. We had my parents(which actually found the house & viewed it first & more than ANYONE will know), Nana & Grandaddy(which helped us move & much, much more), Aunt Breezy(but couldn't make it...but she was our "loan officer") && Amanda(which helped us move to Beaumont && into our house) Without those people this move wouldn't have happened AT ALL. They gave us all the support & help we needed to go through with this move, even though some "family" wasn't too happy about us moving -- some thought it was "so far away" and some thought it wasn't the best for us. But "they" really didn't know what was best. This get together was exactly what it was suppose to be. It was great to show everyone around & let them enjoy of our happiness.

Even though this was a great time in our lives there were some that tried to take the "happy" right out of this joyful time for us. Some accusations were made & some decisions were made by Michael & myself. They actually came real easy -- unfortunately. When someone that is "suppose" to be "family" hurts you with hateful, disrespectful beyond words, it comes VERY easy to say, "Goodbye." Like Michael pointed out to someone & told me, "I can't trust [this person] anymore. And I will not bring my wife & son in a position to get hurt again when [this person] can't hold in their feelings anymore." It's true, I was ready to cut this person out after the first. text I received & when Michael read it he was welling (but not really) to talk it through --- then this person made CRAZY accusations that I left Michael, that we caused our son's sickness...and other crazy stuff....& that was the end. Michael called me & said, "don't worry about [her/him] anymore. I feel sorry for the people that this affects that it shouldn't, but like Michael said -- there's no trust anymore. & when it's family -- that's the first thing you should have. I hated the fact this all happened ON the day that we closed for our first home..but jealousy is horrible.

Hilarious --- & excuse the language, but totally fits!

After the "our first home & thank you" party -- we had to plan Jeremiah's First Birthday Party! I couldn't believe & still can't really, that my baby is one. He's not a baby anymore, but I will call him "baby boy" until it's time not to -- believe me, there's a time when every mother should stop. ; ) We celebrated his birthday "day" at Chuck-E-Cheese & he played games & loved it! He's was mess, but throughout the day I had to come to these pictures & couldn't believe the changes in one year ----



Anyways, I had to send out eVites to family/friends we were wanting to invite since we didn't know the exact date until we actually moved into our house. I planned his birthday party in about 3 weeks -- call me crazy, I know. It was a great & I will blog just about it w/ pictures on a later date. This is a blog to just catch everyone up. But know he had a great day -- & we LOVED watching our boy show everyone his personality; especially for people that haven't been an active part in his life. He's a hoot, but it's easy to fall in love with him. His party was on the 24th -- of September.

I love some birthday cake

Aunt Vee even flew in for my party && got me a personalized cozy coupe

October 1st, I walked my first 5k with my employers/co-workers...and had a great time. It was something that opened my eyes, and had me thinking about doing more. After that walk, I went home and searched for more and found a couple of more and decided to sign up. I did my second one last weekend and after some "last minute" change of plans -- Michael actually joined Jeremiah & I and walked with us. It was funny because I wasn't sure if Michael would enjoy it, but afterwards he asked what other walks I signed up for because he might want to do them with us. It was a fun family filled day of saving the ta-tas! ; )

After we finished the walk to.....

save the ta-tas!!

Life has somewhat settled since his party -- I was a nervous wreck for about two months straight with the move, living away from Michael, planning Jeremiah's party, && Jeremiah's surgery. Yes, he had surgery September 27th to get tubes inserted. He did VERY well, and his two week check-up was full of great news. It was a crazy two months, and right when I thought it was fine and life was calming down -- it gets hard. Last week, it felt like deja vu of what happened weeks ago with someone in Michael's family. I have A LOT of decisions to make of what to do with the whole situation, and I will be praying a lot about it in the next few weeks until the decision has been officially made. I really should be praying that the decision I have to make and when I have to let someone of my decision that I will use the right words & not make the situation worse.

Life is crazy -- but I definitely wouldn't want it any other way -- well except for the "drama" that other people cause in my life. I LOVE my house, my family, my husband & my son! Wouldn't be the person I am without them. And no matter what God throws my way -- I'm thankful for the ones that will stick up for me && make me smile! My boy cracks me up no matter what mood I am in. : ) See? You smiled too, huh?! ; )

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Will the whirlwind I call life ever calm down?

Seriously, since we found out that we were moving life hasn't slowed down at all. We got all of our stuff moved into our storage unit here in Beaumont. It took a lot of friends and family to get it done, but we did it. The first week of us being here was rough. Michael only has his usual Sunday/Monday off. Needless to say, we only get about two days with him out of the whole week; talk about ROUGH!

The first week was rough in so many ways. Jeremiah had me find a pediatrician way to fast and without a "meet and greet." He came down with a 103 fever, where my mom and I had to give him a cold bath to help break the fever. We finally thought that we got him on the road of recovery, after two doctor's appointment and two different antibiotics. (Later you will find out we definitely weren't on the road to recovery!) I had taken a week off in between my last day at Dunlap Financial Services in College Station, to my first day at my new job here in Beaumont. Thank goodness I did, because that was when I was running around Beaumont getting medications and doctor's appointments. It wasn't a "vacation" by no means.

Michael came back Saturday to stay the weekend with us, which was great. We enjoyed the time together and now more than ever. The weekend did go by way too fast for my liking, but reality sat in when he left Monday evening and tears poured out. I cried like a baby, especially when Jeremiah started saying, "bye-bye da-da!" Oh it was horrible. I started my new job Monday - which orientation took place until Tuesday. Wednesday I started the real training process and I had a feeling that I would love the job. After three days, I had a great feeling about it. Jeremiah started his "new" daycare Tuesday, I had some weird feelings throughout the week, but it came to another new level Friday when I left bawling my eyes out. I was so upset called his first daycare in College Station begging them to come to Beaumont. I miss A Special Place so much and this move would be PERFECT to every extent, if A Special Place was here in Beaumont. But that can't happen, and I realize that, but it's my job to find a daycare for my little man that works best for all of us. I have found a new daycare that he will start next Monday. I have heard nothing but wonderful things about this new daycare. Let's pray that this is the last time I have to pay a registration fee, here in Beaumont Texas for a daycare.

The weekend came and in the midst of getting excited about Michael coming to visit again, Jeremiah started throwing up randomly and didn't stop until last night. We had a great weekend though, we went to a local waterpark Saturday and Sunday and we had a blast! Jeremiah LOVED the waterpark. Daddy had to leave once again yesterday; and I hated it just like I did last weekend. It's our life, though for right now. And all I can do is pray that God helps Michael, Jeremiah and myself through this rough time and makes us all stronger in the end. I also had to miss work today (which I HATE to do) because Jeremiah wasn't able to keep anything down last night and come to find out his double ear infections weren't gone, and he now has fluid build up behind his eardrum which is causing him to throw up. He's on a three-day antibiotic shot that is administer at the doctor office every morning, oh it's horrible! If this doesn't take care of it this time, we will need to see an ENT in two weeks for further treatment. I'm praying these shots work the magic it's suppose to but if not, I believe that it'll work out in the end for us.

On to good news! We are stilling in the process on buying our first house; we're waiting for the appraisal report to come in and then we'll take the next step. They have already done some repairs on it that were in contract and we're really happy with the work that has been done. We're really excited about closing this chapter of our lives and starting a new one in our home. I can't wait to have our home to ourselves, and to have Daddy with us for good.
Jeremiah and I are enjoying living with Granna and Granpuh while we wait on the house. It definitely helps since Michael isn't with us, so it isn't lonely...Jeremiah LOVES seeing Granna and Granpuh every day for sure! He's knowing his boundaries...well, he found out the boundaries with them aren't that tight...and with Mommy and Daddy he definitely has boundaries.

With everything I have said in this blog, I love seeing Jeremiah bond with Granna and Granpuh but I can't wait to have my little family together in the same house...and most importantly, in our first home! This move is what was needed for our family, but at times it's tough to see it when my baby is sick, when we're having problems with the daycare only after one week, and when I'm not with my husband all the time and Jeremiah clearly misses his Daddy...but like I keep saying, "it's for the best!"

Just pray that this new daycare is the ONE, my husband is able to move down here for good, and we get to move into our new home soon!

Friday, August 5, 2011

It takes "A Special Place"

Working in a daycare for almost 2 years, I knew exactly what I wanted in a daycare and what I did NOT want in a daycare. Michael and I went one Friday afternoon and toured four daycares. I left two of them crying, saying "I don't think so!", one of them was totally out of the question when I saw one of the teachers use to work for the daycare I worked at, but the last one...ohman, the last one I left saying, "I can see myself leaving Jeremiah there and feeling comfortable with it." I went in a couple more of times, surprise visits and all were at different times of the day. I made a deposit; never saw anything I didn't like and every time I was there Sandi(the director) was very welcoming and allowed me to walk around.

January 12th came way too fast for me, it was the first day of daycare for my little four month old. The night before I cried myself to sleep; not because of the place I was leaving him, but because I HAD to leave my baby boy for the first time. I cried getting ready that morning, and hugged him so tightly after I got him changed and dressed and whispered in his ears, "It's going to be alright...don't be mad at Mommy." I called Michael when I was leaving the house and he knew that it was best for him to meet me there to help me transition. Oh the teachers - specifically, Kristi, Desi, Sarah/director - Sandi/owner - Almira didn't know what was about to hit them...I was a wreck, a COMPLETE mess. I bawled handing him to them, but I Mommy's instincts weren't was just Mommy didn't want to leave him. I remember looking into his room one last time before walking out of the door and Mrs. Desi handed me the whole box of tissues...."Here you go." Oh she is a sweety! (I only took like 5!)

Today was basically same thing, instead I was picking him for the last time from A Special Place. Today was his last day there. It takes special people to take care of babies all day long, and let me tell you...those people are amazing and special all in one. Over the past few months, Jeremiah has been titled "one of the favorites." It's good to hear good things about your baby no matter how he acts at home. ; ) He was spoiled at daycare, and he loved each one of those girls to death! Every morning to drop off, he had a smile on his face and kicking legs with his arms going nuts. That right there made me feel great about leaving him every morning. Funny Story -- We donated his jumper to them and Michael dropped it off this past Monday. Jeremiah went with him and Mrs. Kristi held him while Michael unloaded it, well when it was time for them to leave....Jeremiah didn't want to go back to Michael. Michael told me that it didn't make him feel good, I said every time he did that to me it made me feel great. He looked puzzled, then I replied with "That's how you know he loves the people that takes care of him and he's been take care of well!"

We got home and I held him again saying, "It's going to be alright...don't be mad at Mommy." I know this move is for the best, I really do and I'm excited but we're not talking about finding care for my pet fish, this is my child, my sweet baby boy. I pray that I find a place as great as A Special Place in Beaumont. This move would be PERFECT if they could come with, but after begging them for the past few weeks....I know it's not going to happen. : )

It's takes "A Special Place" to take care of my baby...and we definitely found it!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What a Whirlwind - Part II

After finding out that we were moving to Beaumont, TX; we immediately started looking at houses to rent. We really weren't thinking of buying a house, because well -- quite frankly, this was happening so fast, I didn't have time to think of the other option of buying a house. Renting was the only thing in my mind. I found a couple of homes that would have been "okay" and a few houses that were perfect, but were in a "not so good of a town or part of town." That's when we started to discuss of the possibility of buying a house. We were just throwing ideas out and about; and really got serious when my mom started to talk about it, and really calmed our minds about it being way out of our price range. She/We contacted a realtor, my mom's realtor, and she also helped to calm our minds and told us what we should stay around for price range and our monthly mortgage would be in our price range. And so the hunting began...but we contacted a lady to see if we could get pre-approved, but she really didn't give us the best of outlook. So we really thought we were done. We were going to rent...until my Aunt Breezy heard we were wanting to buy, so she said to give her our information and she would see what her bank could do for us....

We kept this a COMPLETE secret except for my parents that are the ones that drove around looking at houses. And of course, my Aunt Breezy. We were pre-approved last week...remember when I mentioned Michael saying that it's weird how everything worked out last post about Beaumont...well, in the midst of waiting to be pre-approved my parents had a found an adorable house that they saw the beginning of the week for us. They fell in love with house for us, and I fell in love with the pictures I saw. We immediately sat down and talked about our options. We hadn't for sure heard back from the bank, until Wednesday, I believe. Michael left Thursday evening and went to spend the night with my parents to see the house early Friday morning....our plan was if he liked it then when we put in an offer and after a weekend in Austin with my sister, Brett, and family we would make the drive to Beaumont to spend the night so I could see the house Monday and hopefully sign some papers. Hilarious, because our plan was exactly what we did. We made an offer Friday morning by the time Michael got home the sellers came back with a counter and about 30 minutes later Michael and I accepted it. We had an amazing weekend in Austin (More about this in a later post along with pictures!), and yesterday we signed the papers.

It was the first time I saw the house in person, and I fell in love with it all over again. I can't wait until it's official -- and to make it our own! We had the inspection today -- should get the report tomorrow or Thursday. This is an exciting time in our lives. We couldn't be any more happier. The remark, "That's a change in events!" was made when I told the big news to family via texts, and my response was, "Not to's exactly what we've been planning for a week now." If it's meant to will work out like a plan.

Our First Home

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Two Months Left.

I can't believe that in two months my baby will be one year old. It feels like yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. How time flies! On the 16th (I've been trying to finish this blog for over a week...), my baby turned 10 months old! I went through the pictures from birth and picked out some of my favorites from each month! Enjoy!

One day old

Three days old

Ten days old

Ten days old

2 weeks old

Four weeks old

Six weeks old

Two months old

Three months old

Four months old

Five months old

Six months old

Seven months old

Eight months old

Nine months old

Ten months old
Going through these pictures was harder than I expected -- hence the reason it took me a whole week almost to get some together. I have so many that are my favorite, but these are just a few. I love this little boy more than words. Michael and I, still to this day, look at him and then look at each other in awe. He amazes us every single day! He started crawling this past few days. He hasn't mastered it, but he's got it down when he wants to. He's pulling up on EVERYTHING. He got quiet the other day while playing at the bottom of the stairs...I looked and he was up the stairs. NOT OKAY! He's into EVERYTHING, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If It's Meant To Be

The subject of the mass  e-mail Michael & I typed up Friday night was titled, "What a Whirlwind." That's exactly how these past few days have felt like to. Once I started feeling like everything was in place, right where it needed to be -- God comes up & stays, "just kidding." Ha! For a while now, since before Jeremiah was born, Michael & I have discussed moving back closer to my family for various reasons. But never were given or even saw an opportunity to get closer. My parents have always joked around that there was a Pepsi office in Beaumont..but we would always laugh it up.

Michael came home on Wednesday and made the comment, "If we're serious about moving closer to your family like to Beaumont, I might have the answer." My ears perked, but didn't think it would get serious enough, since we signed a lease on a new place in Bryan in March. We talked...and talked...and talked about all of our options. I basically left the conversation with, "If you feel this is the best for our family, then let's take the next step. I'll back you 100%." The next day, Michael came home and informed me that he spoke to his boss about the possible transfer and said that he would contact the Beaumont office, and "If you're serious about this, then I can have you over there for sure." I was shocked...I didn't know how to feel. I cried, not that I didn't want to move, but because this all happened in the time frame of 2 days and basically we were moving...

I e-mailed our realtor that helped us sign the lease on the new duplex to ask him what we would need to do. He told me that we would be responsible for our lease until they found someone to lease it to. That is the only risk we're taking with moving to Beaumont. EVERYTHING else has fallen into place. After Michael's meeting with his boss' yesterday we were talking on the phone and basically saying our final "yes" to this whole moving business, and I was telling him what I had found out, and he said, "How is everything falling into place? This usually doesn't happen like this for me." My reply was, "Yes it does, if it's meant to be."

I'm nervous about this whole uprooting my family to Beaumont thing, but I know deep down it's for the best. The positives outlay the negatives...and what are the negatives you ask? Our friends here, driving by Texas A&M everyday...It'll be hard to leave our friends, but we'll be back to visit & of course, to go to AGGIE FOOTBALL games! : )

We're excited, and eager to start this new life chapter in our lives. We're going to be busy these next couple of months, and no plans are being made because we still don't have dates set in stone. Jeremiah and I will be moving to Beaumont first, and Michael will follow when he can in about 2-3 months. Until he's completely in Beaumont working, weekends will be filled with visiting Daddy & Daddy coming to Beaumont to visit. Those weekends are going to be crucial for us & especially for Jeremiah. We're not sure but hoping we can still have Jeremiah's party like planned, but we're not making those plans until we have more answers. A lot is still up in the air, except for the fact...we're moving to Beaumont!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The dreaded word - disappointment.

noun \ˌdis-ə-ˈpint-mənt\
1: the act or an instance of disappointing : the state or emotion of being disappointed
Last week, I was in a situation that left me feeling disappointed in someone, which got me thinking about the word, "disappointment." Why do we feel disappointed? Why do we feel absolutely horrible when someone tells us they're disappointed" in us? What makes the word "disappointed" so powerful?

Unfortunately, I don't have the answers. I don't think anyone does. I remember being in high school, (we won't go into details of why this happened...HA!) but I got grounded for 3 months -- but the grounding didn't really phase me, it was the dreaded words, "You've disappointed your father and I." Do we feel horrible because we didn't meet their (being parents, in-laws, siblings, spouses, friends/family) expectations? Which also means we didn't meet our expectations or were their expectations too high for our us? I DO know that the incident that caused me to be grounded for 3 months, definitely is an example of me realizing I wasn't at my true potential. But is that always the case?

Needless to say, it's not any better saying it then recieving it...both makes you feel horrible. Do we have high expectations for our loved ones (family and friends)? Or is it that we seriously now their potential and when they "slip up" we have to throw out the "disappointment" word to get them back on the horse? Oh I wish I had the answers, but I don't.

I don't know what makes the word "disappointment" so powerful, but let me tell you -- it is. Without a doubt. Now you know why I have to blog -- this is a normal occurrence in my head -- TONS of thoughts.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ending Happy

Obviously, I haven't posted one in awhile -- but that's what happens when you have an adorable little boy that keeps you on your toes. But I had to post tonight -- so much on my mind tonight; maybe that's why I have a headache; hopefully it'll go away when I'm done posting. ; ) This post will be of random things -- RANDOM.

I didn't follow the Casey Anthony case as much as I would have loved to. With that being said, I wish I could have watched every single trial, and made my "assumptions" by that, but I have been "following" it by what I read on or other resources...and this is what I've come up with --- she's guilty. I was able to watch the reading of the verdict yesterday -- and it brought me to tears & then I was filled with anger. How in the world is a woman able to walk from murdering her precious little girl? Three years ago, when this all started, I wasn't a parent -- but my heart still ached for that little, precious baby girl...and now, that I am a Mommy myself --- my heart is breaking for that precious baby girl. Yesterday after watching the verdict being read, I had to go back to work, which some of the ladies were talking about it and I definitely put my two cents in (if you know me, this should have been a given) and thankfully they thought the same. Oh, I was upset the rest of the day. I couldn't believe it -- why does this affect me in this way? I only have 4 words to answer that. I.AM.A.MOMMY. That's why. Last night, while putting my baby boy to sleep, I teared up because it's ashamed that baby girl was murdered and "no one" knows EXACTLY what happened. For some reason, I was thinking listening to the verdict was closure -- I was totally wrong. Instead of closing the case, it's wide open still. I held my baby boy tight, and kept telling him that I loved him....something that that little girl will never hear again. Oh my heart is aching. Today while on my lunch, I was watching "The View" and of course they were talking about, and all the ladies were in agreement; that they were hoping for a "guilty" verdict. And one of the ladies read a part of the family's statement after the verdict and it basically said, we don't know what happened to Caylee, but we have closure. WHAAATT?? How in the world do you have closure but still don't know what happened to Caylee -- (even though I believe they DO know what happened!). That's has been bugging me all day. And how does the family have closure, when I (not related in any form or fashion) have absolutely NO closure and when the rest of the world has no closure. It amazes me.

On to another subject -- I'm going to end this blog in a happy note -- if I can. As we all know this past weekend was Fourth of July -- and it was my little man's first Fourth of July. Oh this weekend was perfect -- exactly how I would have wanted it to be. I spent it with the people I love the most. On Saturday, Michael decided he didn't really want to go to the beach, so we decided to hang out at the pool for the day and get BBQ. BEST.IDEA.EVER. Oh it was so much fun and delicious! We spent about two hours at the pool Saturday and I have a nice summer tan to show for it. On Sunday, Michael had to work, so my parents came down and we spent another two hours at the pool -- amazing tan! It was a lot of fun! THEN on Monday, we spend another 2 hours at the pool -- that one kind of ruined my summer tan -- I got a little red, but it's turning into a nice sun tan! ; ) We tried to end the day with the "laser show" they were having at the George Bush Library, but wasn't notified that you wouldn't be able to see anything if you don't park in the parking lot..haha! So we definitely got out to 2818 parked on the side of the road, along with LOTS of other people that weren't notified, and fed Jeremiah in the back of Michael's truck and then waited for a few minutes. Jeremiah thought he was too cool standing up on the side watching the cars go by...and then we packed up and went home. HA!

My family -- Fourth of July!

In the midst of everything -- I started packing...okay, okay fine -- I only have one box started, but hey it's a start. ; ) We're getting really excited about moving into our new home...oh we need the space, for sure! AAANNDD, I started contemplating Jeremiah's 1st birthday party plans...oh I feel tears coming with just saying that. Geeze, it's almost a year since I had my baby -- wow where has the time gone!?

And for the record, I still have my headache.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Early Days

Today started and ended great! Who wouldn't have a great day when you get to wake up to an all giggles happy little boy! Oh he was in the best of moods this morning! 

All Smiles this morning -- who couldn't comment/smile about this picture!

The face he makes when he giggles : )
I mean waking up to a cute happy baby should always mean a great day -- Early days don't come very often. Michael has been working late for the past three days -- Jeremiah and I have been keeping ourselves busy during the afternoons until Daddy comes home. We go swimming, watch movies, take naps, build with blocks, practice crawling...or eat brownies (this child LOVES him some brownies). Today was a great surprise -- Michael got off about the same time I got off and was able to spend all afternoon/evening with Jeremiah that has been saying "dada" all day long. This morning I heard nothing but, "dada!" When Michael got off we went swimming and Jeremiah showed us he was a cool little dude; like his Mommy and Daddy (mainly like his Mommy!) ; )
Daddy & his cool dude : )

Mommy & her cool dude : )

Today was a great day! And something we definitely needed! God knows exactly when we need a little boost. I'm glad He knows what He's doing. ; )

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I'm sure everyone has seen/heard about/read about the latest Royal Wedding -- and if you haven't - you don't watch TV, much! I've watched part of the wedding and have read bits here and there when it's on my homepage, I will randomly click on it to see what's going on. I'm not abscessed like some that woke up before the sun was out to watch the wedding, I waited until it re-aired -- psh, me out of bed before the sun is out? You're crazy. While feeding Jeremiah his "breakfast" every morning, I take that time to get familiar with what's going on in the news -- it being the weather, which lately it's been the same -- freakin' HOT, entertainment, local news, and then I go to other news....well, this morning I was a bit freaked out by creepiness. Don't get me wrong I think Princess Diana was an amazing person (who didn't think that?)...and I think she could have done many other amazing things around the world, but reality is she is not alive. I hate to be so blunt, but geeze louise. Every time I would watch/hear/read about the Royal Wedding or about Kate -- it was most likely comparing her to Princess Diana. I guess I should have known that was going to happen, but I think it has gone to the extreme now. Not joking.

This is what I came across during my morning routine.
Courtsey of
I'm sorry -- but I find this totally creepy! Seriously, if I'm going to sit and imagine Princess Diana, I wouldn't want to imagine her looking like she's dying of cancer. I mean if you are going to make such a creepy cover of magazine...make her look glamorous like we all remember. I completely know they "aged" her to be the age she would be today -- which is 50, but that doesn't mean she needs to look sickly. And if that isn't enough wrong with this picture -- the fact they make it look like Kate is looking at Princess Diana and walking with her side by side on the sidewalk. Weird. Freaky. Creepy.
If you visit the URL that I shared on here (or if you're friends with me on facebook; I shared it on my facebook page, also.) you can see that someone was probably paid LOTS of money to sit and find pictures of Kate and Princess Diana wearing something similar. Such as a dress that is the same color, or kind of the same pattern, and they put their wedding pictures side-by-side to compare. I would have loved to been paid to sit on my booty and look through millions/billions/trillions of pictures of Kate and Princess Diana. NOT. Don't get me wrong I love looking through pictures, but geeze louise.

Here's another picture I found on the Newsweek website, that I found weird, but somewhat hilarious.
Courtesy of:

See what I mean? I mean it's freaky/creepy but hilarious because they just had to add an iPhone in her hands?! Goodness Gracious on my soul. Is it just me or is this creepy to anyone else?

Monday, June 27, 2011

It's The Little Things

I absolutely hate when I start a movie and then I have to do something else that makes me miss the important when I'm able to get back to watch a few seconds of it...I'm completely lost. But as a Mommy/Wife you gotta do whatcha gotta do. : )

Last night while I was busy cooking the movie, "No Reservations" came on TV. I don't know what makes watching a movie on TV better than watching a DVD; but it is. I think it's the "free" potty breaks. During commercials is the perfect time to go potty, refill your drink, or dust/vacuum a table - whatever makes you happy. I was too busy cooking dinner to really watch it...much less understand what was going on. I told Michael, jokingly, that I was going to Hastings to rent it so I could watch it. About ten minutes later he came to me with Jeremiah telling Jeremiah to tell Mommy bye-bye. I asked Michael where they were going...but he didn't tell. Right as they were leaving Michael smelt Jeremiah. They were delayed a bit, but they went off on their secret errand. About 5 minutes later, dinner was finished --- so I got a few minutes to myself at home.

When they got home; they had eggs(for brownies!), dedorant for daddy, and the "No Reservations" movie. Yes, they went out to buy Mommy the movie so while we ate dinner and relaxed before Jeremiah's dinner...we could watch the movie that I had been trying to watch for the past 2 hours. It made me smile, like I said, it's the little things that count. Don't get me wrong...big nice things are great too; but the little things that come in surprises are the best by far. I absolutely love getting surprises from Michael; it shows me during the day he was thinking of me or last night for example he wanted to make me happy. I could live off of little surprises every.

Since we were dating, Michael has always surprised me with little it a new movie, a new Target cup, a pillow that I mentioned I wanted, flowers, and random texts that tell me that he loves me and he misses me. It brings a smile to my face; the little things shows me he loves me. Actually, he has been "surprising" me with the little things that would make me smile from ear to ear way before we were dating - he would randomly text me, "Don't fly away, Mary Poppins." I love this man with all of my heart and I'm thankful for the little things.

My "honeybee" and his "honeysuckle"
I feel sorry for the people that don't get joys in the little things in life. It's like the saying, "stop and smell the roses." I love my life as a mommy and a wife --- I wouldn't want it any other way.

My family

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Nice Surprise

The saying "shop til you drop," doesn't always refer to me; mainly because my husband doesn't allow me to get to that part. Yesterday, he really didn't have a choice. I had to go to Houston to order a dress for a wedding I'm MOH for in March. My mom met Michael, Jeremiah & myself at the store & then we were so close to The Galleria; so guess where we spent the rest of the day? Yep, The Galleria; shopping til we literally dropped. It was fun; Michael even said it was fun. We had a little big of a surprise while we were there -- Kelly Clarkson was performing at The we had a free concert while shopping. It was a great time with my favorite people! We found some really good deals for baby clothes and of course some for Mommy, Granna. Saturdays are the only full day we spend together since Michael's schedule has changed months ago; so I really wanted him to go with Jeremiah and myself to Houston and he had a good time. I mean look at that smile on his face --- he's one handsome happy man! ; )
Looking out to our view from The Cheesecake Factory

Love that innocent look. He's looking at the fishies that The Galleria has.

Mommy & Jeremiah

Kisses for Granna : )
Typical family picture; hehe!

My sweet family -- love those boys oh so much!

By the pictures, you can see we had a great time! Jeremiah stole the hearts of so many shoppers; like usual! We literally shopped until we couldn't shop anymore! 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Dinner Together

No matter how my family was when I was growing up; my mom would always make sure we ate dinner together. That's where we would share details about our days, what was going on the next day, or where we would tell jokes....just be together. When Stevee and I were both in high school, it became more and more difficult to get all of us at the same table long enough to talk -- but we made it happen. I actually looked forward to dinner "family" matter how crazy my day was I knew there was something I could look forward to at the end of the day -- normalcy. When Michael and I were dating, we ate dinner together every single night -- mostly at his apartment, but it always bugged me that he didn't have a table for us to eat we ate in front of the TV in his living room. I lived with three other girls, so it was hard for me to fix dinner and for us to have time to eat at my table without being interrupted by one of my roomates. (Not meaning that in a bad way...not at all -- I loved my roomates & keep in contact with them via facebook!) But when Michael and I got engaged -- and found the condo we are living in right now; that was the first thing I wanted to get was a kitchen table. Thankfully my mom and dad had the one from our old house in storage; so they gave us theirs. From that day on...we have eaten together at the table. It is something that is important to me -- and it is important to Michael also. Since Jeremiah has been born, there are times that we weren't able to eat together, but we definitely tried..until Jeremiah decided he wasn't allowing it. Now that Jeremiah is older (sad face!) we put him in his space saver highchair and he plays with toys while we eat so we eat together. I love it! We spend most of the time eating while laughing our butts off at Jeremiah -- seriously, this child is hilarious!!

Tonight we went to Chili's for dinner -- it was a last minute decision and mainly because we have NOTHING in this house to eat. (We are changing that tomorrow evening!) Tonight was a funny family dinner! Jeremiah is in love with mash potatoes with cream gravy -- but apparently, not when he sees french fries. He turned his nose up or I should say down (he puts his head down and does his scrunchy face when he doesn't want something!) every time we would come near him with mash potatoes....but the minute we picked up a french fry he went nuts. He ate french fries and sometimes he would take a few bites of the mash potatoes. He cracked us up -- he would take a bite of a french fry and starting one point he had his hands in the he was praising God that we finally allowed him to have a french fry. Oh we were laughing so hard. 
Loved him some french fries

It did get to the point that Michael and I were actually just tossing the french fries into Jeremiah's mouth --- those little teeth freakin' hurt. I don't know how many times Michael and I said, "Oh, ouch!" while feeding Jeremiah french fries. After we fed him and didn't get attacked by the teeth, we would shout for joy! That's why Mommy and Daddy think mash potatoes on the spoon would have been a better choice... HA!

After getting attacked by the teeth, Mommy thought she had a brilliant idea to put the french fry in front of Jeremiah and see if he could feed himself -- I mean everything else that meet his hands also meet his mouth. Except for french fries. Nope, they got squished in his hands. Thank goodness for wipees.

Looking at the fry that was in his hand
After dinner -- we paid, of course -- but I got to thinking that this was the perfect reason I want to eat dinner together always. We talked about our day and shared laughs. After any day, no matter how rough or long the day is...I will always have my boys to come home too.  I love spending time with my boys and being able to laugh and enjoy our son together. And we just thought our night was over.... ha!

We walked to the car and while I was putting Jeremiah in the car, Michael said, "babe, look!" Well, I thought he ran into the giant pole in front of us...which he would have been in BIG trouble; but instead he was talking about this itty bitty kitten that was sitting beside this pole curled up. If you know me, you know that I'm LOVE animals and hate to see them suffer. I mean, I cry every single time those commercials come on with pictures of the poor animals that have been abused. So needless to say, I stopped a group that consisted of a boy and two girls to ask if they were interested in a kitten -- well, of course the girls went crazy about it until the guy went to touch the kitten and he/she went nuts and tried to attack the guy's hand. The guy was ready to leave but the girls and myself didn't feel okay with leaving this kitten on the side of the road basically. We called the shelter and of course they weren't open so no one, I had the brilliant idea to call the police station to see if they could get Animal Control out to come pick him up. In the meantime, we were trying to figure out if this kitten was hurt because he was fine with someone petting his back but the minute you got near his leg -- he flipped out on you. The officer came and deemed him to being hurt because he wasn't moving and normally "kittens that are scared would usually run away." So he calls Animal we all decide to wait for Animal Control -- and thinking we just did an amazing deed. Until this wonderful Officer informed us that "most likely when Animal Control comes they will end up euthanized him." Us girls, went nuts -- I was about to cry along with the other girls....until, the kitten got up and took off underneath a truck. I screamed, "It's a miracle -- he doesn't want to be killed!" We all had a good laugh and then cracked up laughing when the Officer had to call the AC back he started the conversation with, "Apparently, this kitten..." AC was still on it's way, because we still thought something was wrong with him/she.

Jeremiah was looking like he was going to sleep in his carseat so we kept him there; until he started screaming so we took him out and let me tell you -- this boy of mine is a big time flirt. Omgoodness, he was smiling at these girls and talking...oh he's a hoot. He was walking on the sidewalk and he thought that was cool -- he would look at the girls while walking and just smile. Oh he cracks me up --- trying to pick up girls, already! ; )

The kitten, like I stated before, took shelter underneath this truck. We all were joking around thinking the owner of the truck was probably sitting by the window at Chili's thinking, "Crap -- what is going on? Why is there people around my truck and why is an Officer shining a light at my truck?" In the midst of the conversation we were having -- the Officer pointed out that the truck's registration was out. Oops! And then we noticed that the truck didn't have a front license plates -- but the Officer informed us that he doesn't write tickets for that because he didn't have them on his own car for the longest time. What a nice man he was. The AC lady got there -- she wasn't the most gentle lady handling this poor kitten I was hoping for...but I couldn't leave that kitten would have broken my heart! 
Furious Kitty. 
We finally made it home and Jeremiah was ready to eat and I thought to play -- but it seemed like he was actually ready to go to sleep....oops! 
Sweet baby -- sleeping!
