Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The dreaded word - disappointment.

noun \ˌdis-ə-ˈpint-mənt\
1: the act or an instance of disappointing : the state or emotion of being disappointed
Last week, I was in a situation that left me feeling disappointed in someone, which got me thinking about the word, "disappointment." Why do we feel disappointed? Why do we feel absolutely horrible when someone tells us they're disappointed" in us? What makes the word "disappointed" so powerful?

Unfortunately, I don't have the answers. I don't think anyone does. I remember being in high school, (we won't go into details of why this happened...HA!) but I got grounded for 3 months -- but the grounding didn't really phase me, it was the dreaded words, "You've disappointed your father and I." Do we feel horrible because we didn't meet their (being parents, in-laws, siblings, spouses, friends/family) expectations? Which also means we didn't meet our expectations or were their expectations too high for our us? I DO know that the incident that caused me to be grounded for 3 months, definitely is an example of me realizing I wasn't at my true potential. But is that always the case?

Needless to say, it's not any better saying it then recieving it...both makes you feel horrible. Do we have high expectations for our loved ones (family and friends)? Or is it that we seriously now their potential and when they "slip up" we have to throw out the "disappointment" word to get them back on the horse? Oh I wish I had the answers, but I don't.

I don't know what makes the word "disappointment" so powerful, but let me tell you -- it is. Without a doubt. Now you know why I have to blog -- this is a normal occurrence in my head -- TONS of thoughts.

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