Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What a Whirlwind - Part II

After finding out that we were moving to Beaumont, TX; we immediately started looking at houses to rent. We really weren't thinking of buying a house, because well -- quite frankly, this was happening so fast, I didn't have time to think of the other option of buying a house. Renting was the only thing in my mind. I found a couple of homes that would have been "okay" and a few houses that were perfect, but were in a "not so good of a town or part of town." That's when we started to discuss of the possibility of buying a house. We were just throwing ideas out and about; and really got serious when my mom started to talk about it, and really calmed our minds about it being way out of our price range. She/We contacted a realtor, my mom's realtor, and she also helped to calm our minds and told us what we should stay around for price range and our monthly mortgage would be in our price range. And so the hunting began...but we contacted a lady to see if we could get pre-approved, but she really didn't give us the best of outlook. So we really thought we were done. We were going to rent...until my Aunt Breezy heard we were wanting to buy, so she said to give her our information and she would see what her bank could do for us....

We kept this a COMPLETE secret except for my parents that are the ones that drove around looking at houses. And of course, my Aunt Breezy. We were pre-approved last week...remember when I mentioned Michael saying that it's weird how everything worked out last post about Beaumont...well, in the midst of waiting to be pre-approved my parents had a found an adorable house that they saw the beginning of the week for us. They fell in love with house for us, and I fell in love with the pictures I saw. We immediately sat down and talked about our options. We hadn't for sure heard back from the bank, until Wednesday, I believe. Michael left Thursday evening and went to spend the night with my parents to see the house early Friday morning....our plan was if he liked it then when we put in an offer and after a weekend in Austin with my sister, Brett, and family we would make the drive to Beaumont to spend the night so I could see the house Monday and hopefully sign some papers. Hilarious, because our plan was exactly what we did. We made an offer Friday morning by the time Michael got home the sellers came back with a counter and about 30 minutes later Michael and I accepted it. We had an amazing weekend in Austin (More about this in a later post along with pictures!), and yesterday we signed the papers.

It was the first time I saw the house in person, and I fell in love with it all over again. I can't wait until it's official -- and to make it our own! We had the inspection today -- should get the report tomorrow or Thursday. This is an exciting time in our lives. We couldn't be any more happier. The remark, "That's a change in events!" was made when I told the big news to family via texts, and my response was, "Not to us...it's exactly what we've been planning for a week now." If it's meant to be....it will work out like a plan.

Our First Home

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Two Months Left.

I can't believe that in two months my baby will be one year old. It feels like yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. How time flies! On the 16th (I've been trying to finish this blog for over a week...), my baby turned 10 months old! I went through the pictures from birth and picked out some of my favorites from each month! Enjoy!

One day old

Three days old

Ten days old

Ten days old

2 weeks old

Four weeks old

Six weeks old

Two months old

Three months old

Four months old

Five months old

Six months old

Seven months old

Eight months old

Nine months old

Ten months old
Going through these pictures was harder than I expected -- hence the reason it took me a whole week almost to get some together. I have so many that are my favorite, but these are just a few. I love this little boy more than words. Michael and I, still to this day, look at him and then look at each other in awe. He amazes us every single day! He started crawling this past few days. He hasn't mastered it, but he's got it down when he wants to. He's pulling up on EVERYTHING. He got quiet the other day while playing at the bottom of the stairs...I looked and he was up the stairs. NOT OKAY! He's into EVERYTHING, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If It's Meant To Be

The subject of the mass  e-mail Michael & I typed up Friday night was titled, "What a Whirlwind." That's exactly how these past few days have felt like to. Once I started feeling like everything was in place, right where it needed to be -- God comes up & stays, "just kidding." Ha! For a while now, since before Jeremiah was born, Michael & I have discussed moving back closer to my family for various reasons. But never were given or even saw an opportunity to get closer. My parents have always joked around that there was a Pepsi office in Beaumont..but we would always laugh it up.

Michael came home on Wednesday and made the comment, "If we're serious about moving closer to your family like to Beaumont, I might have the answer." My ears perked, but didn't think it would get serious enough, since we signed a lease on a new place in Bryan in March. We talked...and talked...and talked about all of our options. I basically left the conversation with, "If you feel this is the best for our family, then let's take the next step. I'll back you 100%." The next day, Michael came home and informed me that he spoke to his boss about the possible transfer and said that he would contact the Beaumont office, and "If you're serious about this, then I can have you over there for sure." I was shocked...I didn't know how to feel. I cried, not that I didn't want to move, but because this all happened in the time frame of 2 days and basically we were moving...

I e-mailed our realtor that helped us sign the lease on the new duplex to ask him what we would need to do. He told me that we would be responsible for our lease until they found someone to lease it to. That is the only risk we're taking with moving to Beaumont. EVERYTHING else has fallen into place. After Michael's meeting with his boss' yesterday we were talking on the phone and basically saying our final "yes" to this whole moving business, and I was telling him what I had found out, and he said, "How is everything falling into place? This usually doesn't happen like this for me." My reply was, "Yes it does, if it's meant to be."

I'm nervous about this whole uprooting my family to Beaumont thing, but I know deep down it's for the best. The positives outlay the negatives...and what are the negatives you ask? Our friends here, driving by Texas A&M everyday...It'll be hard to leave our friends, but we'll be back to visit & of course, to go to AGGIE FOOTBALL games! : )

We're excited, and eager to start this new life chapter in our lives. We're going to be busy these next couple of months, and no plans are being made because we still don't have dates set in stone. Jeremiah and I will be moving to Beaumont first, and Michael will follow when he can in about 2-3 months. Until he's completely in Beaumont working, weekends will be filled with visiting Daddy & Daddy coming to Beaumont to visit. Those weekends are going to be crucial for us & especially for Jeremiah. We're not sure but hoping we can still have Jeremiah's party like planned, but we're not making those plans until we have more answers. A lot is still up in the air, except for the fact...we're moving to Beaumont!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The dreaded word - disappointment.

noun \ˌdis-ə-ˈpint-mənt\
1: the act or an instance of disappointing : the state or emotion of being disappointed
Last week, I was in a situation that left me feeling disappointed in someone, which got me thinking about the word, "disappointment." Why do we feel disappointed? Why do we feel absolutely horrible when someone tells us they're disappointed" in us? What makes the word "disappointed" so powerful?

Unfortunately, I don't have the answers. I don't think anyone does. I remember being in high school, (we won't go into details of why this happened...HA!) but I got grounded for 3 months -- but the grounding didn't really phase me, it was the dreaded words, "You've disappointed your father and I." Do we feel horrible because we didn't meet their (being parents, in-laws, siblings, spouses, friends/family) expectations? Which also means we didn't meet our expectations or were their expectations too high for our us? I DO know that the incident that caused me to be grounded for 3 months, definitely is an example of me realizing I wasn't at my true potential. But is that always the case?

Needless to say, it's not any better saying it then recieving it...both makes you feel horrible. Do we have high expectations for our loved ones (family and friends)? Or is it that we seriously now their potential and when they "slip up" we have to throw out the "disappointment" word to get them back on the horse? Oh I wish I had the answers, but I don't.

I don't know what makes the word "disappointment" so powerful, but let me tell you -- it is. Without a doubt. Now you know why I have to blog -- this is a normal occurrence in my head -- TONS of thoughts.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ending Happy

Obviously, I haven't posted one in awhile -- but that's what happens when you have an adorable little boy that keeps you on your toes. But I had to post tonight -- so much on my mind tonight; maybe that's why I have a headache; hopefully it'll go away when I'm done posting. ; ) This post will be of random things -- RANDOM.

I didn't follow the Casey Anthony case as much as I would have loved to. With that being said, I wish I could have watched every single trial, and made my "assumptions" by that, but I have been "following" it by what I read on FoxNews.com or other resources...and this is what I've come up with --- she's guilty. I was able to watch the reading of the verdict yesterday -- and it brought me to tears & then I was filled with anger. How in the world is a woman able to walk from murdering her precious little girl? Three years ago, when this all started, I wasn't a parent -- but my heart still ached for that little, precious baby girl...and now, that I am a Mommy myself --- my heart is breaking for that precious baby girl. Yesterday after watching the verdict being read, I had to go back to work, which some of the ladies were talking about it and I definitely put my two cents in (if you know me, this should have been a given) and thankfully they thought the same. Oh, I was upset the rest of the day. I couldn't believe it -- why does this affect me in this way? I only have 4 words to answer that. I.AM.A.MOMMY. That's why. Last night, while putting my baby boy to sleep, I teared up because it's ashamed that baby girl was murdered and "no one" knows EXACTLY what happened. For some reason, I was thinking listening to the verdict was closure -- I was totally wrong. Instead of closing the case, it's wide open still. I held my baby boy tight, and kept telling him that I loved him....something that that little girl will never hear again. Oh my heart is aching. Today while on my lunch, I was watching "The View" and of course they were talking about, and all the ladies were in agreement; that they were hoping for a "guilty" verdict. And one of the ladies read a part of the family's statement after the verdict and it basically said, we don't know what happened to Caylee, but we have closure. WHAAATT?? How in the world do you have closure but still don't know what happened to Caylee -- (even though I believe they DO know what happened!). That's has been bugging me all day. And how does the family have closure, when I (not related in any form or fashion) have absolutely NO closure and when the rest of the world has no closure. It amazes me.

On to another subject -- I'm going to end this blog in a happy note -- if I can. As we all know this past weekend was Fourth of July -- and it was my little man's first Fourth of July. Oh this weekend was perfect -- exactly how I would have wanted it to be. I spent it with the people I love the most. On Saturday, Michael decided he didn't really want to go to the beach, so we decided to hang out at the pool for the day and get BBQ. BEST.IDEA.EVER. Oh it was so much fun and delicious! We spent about two hours at the pool Saturday and I have a nice summer tan to show for it. On Sunday, Michael had to work, so my parents came down and we spent another two hours at the pool -- amazing tan! It was a lot of fun! THEN on Monday, we spend another 2 hours at the pool -- that one kind of ruined my summer tan -- I got a little red, but it's turning into a nice sun tan! ; ) We tried to end the day with the "laser show" they were having at the George Bush Library, but wasn't notified that you wouldn't be able to see anything if you don't park in the parking lot..haha! So we definitely got out to 2818 parked on the side of the road, along with LOTS of other people that weren't notified, and fed Jeremiah in the back of Michael's truck and then waited for a few minutes. Jeremiah thought he was too cool standing up on the side watching the cars go by...and then we packed up and went home. HA!

My family -- Fourth of July!

In the midst of everything -- I started packing...okay, okay fine -- I only have one box started, but hey it's a start. ; ) We're getting really excited about moving into our new home...oh we need the space, for sure! AAANNDD, I started contemplating Jeremiah's 1st birthday party plans...oh I feel tears coming with just saying that. Geeze, it's almost a year since I had my baby -- wow where has the time gone!?

And for the record, I still have my headache.