Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Will the whirlwind I call life ever calm down?

Seriously, since we found out that we were moving life hasn't slowed down at all. We got all of our stuff moved into our storage unit here in Beaumont. It took a lot of friends and family to get it done, but we did it. The first week of us being here was rough. Michael only has his usual Sunday/Monday off. Needless to say, we only get about two days with him out of the whole week; talk about ROUGH!

The first week was rough in so many ways. Jeremiah had me find a pediatrician way to fast and without a "meet and greet." He came down with a 103 fever, where my mom and I had to give him a cold bath to help break the fever. We finally thought that we got him on the road of recovery, after two doctor's appointment and two different antibiotics. (Later you will find out we definitely weren't on the road to recovery!) I had taken a week off in between my last day at Dunlap Financial Services in College Station, to my first day at my new job here in Beaumont. Thank goodness I did, because that was when I was running around Beaumont getting medications and doctor's appointments. It wasn't a "vacation" by no means.

Michael came back Saturday to stay the weekend with us, which was great. We enjoyed the time together and now more than ever. The weekend did go by way too fast for my liking, but reality sat in when he left Monday evening and tears poured out. I cried like a baby, especially when Jeremiah started saying, "bye-bye da-da!" Oh it was horrible. I started my new job Monday - which orientation took place until Tuesday. Wednesday I started the real training process and I had a feeling that I would love the job. After three days, I had a great feeling about it. Jeremiah started his "new" daycare Tuesday, I had some weird feelings throughout the week, but it came to another new level Friday when I left bawling my eyes out. I was so upset called his first daycare in College Station begging them to come to Beaumont. I miss A Special Place so much and this move would be PERFECT to every extent, if A Special Place was here in Beaumont. But that can't happen, and I realize that, but it's my job to find a daycare for my little man that works best for all of us. I have found a new daycare that he will start next Monday. I have heard nothing but wonderful things about this new daycare. Let's pray that this is the last time I have to pay a registration fee, here in Beaumont Texas for a daycare.

The weekend came and in the midst of getting excited about Michael coming to visit again, Jeremiah started throwing up randomly and didn't stop until last night. We had a great weekend though, we went to a local waterpark Saturday and Sunday and we had a blast! Jeremiah LOVED the waterpark. Daddy had to leave once again yesterday; and I hated it just like I did last weekend. It's our life, though for right now. And all I can do is pray that God helps Michael, Jeremiah and myself through this rough time and makes us all stronger in the end. I also had to miss work today (which I HATE to do) because Jeremiah wasn't able to keep anything down last night and come to find out his double ear infections weren't gone, and he now has fluid build up behind his eardrum which is causing him to throw up. He's on a three-day antibiotic shot that is administer at the doctor office every morning, oh it's horrible! If this doesn't take care of it this time, we will need to see an ENT in two weeks for further treatment. I'm praying these shots work the magic it's suppose to but if not, I believe that it'll work out in the end for us.

On to good news! We are stilling in the process on buying our first house; we're waiting for the appraisal report to come in and then we'll take the next step. They have already done some repairs on it that were in contract and we're really happy with the work that has been done. We're really excited about closing this chapter of our lives and starting a new one in our home. I can't wait to have our home to ourselves, and to have Daddy with us for good.
Jeremiah and I are enjoying living with Granna and Granpuh while we wait on the house. It definitely helps since Michael isn't with us, so it isn't lonely...Jeremiah LOVES seeing Granna and Granpuh every day for sure! He's knowing his boundaries...well, he found out the boundaries with them aren't that tight...and with Mommy and Daddy he definitely has boundaries.

With everything I have said in this blog, I love seeing Jeremiah bond with Granna and Granpuh but I can't wait to have my little family together in the same house...and most importantly, in our first home! This move is what was needed for our family, but at times it's tough to see it when my baby is sick, when we're having problems with the daycare only after one week, and when I'm not with my husband all the time and Jeremiah clearly misses his Daddy...but like I keep saying, "it's for the best!"

Just pray that this new daycare is the ONE, my husband is able to move down here for good, and we get to move into our new home soon!

Friday, August 5, 2011

It takes "A Special Place"

Working in a daycare for almost 2 years, I knew exactly what I wanted in a daycare and what I did NOT want in a daycare. Michael and I went one Friday afternoon and toured four daycares. I left two of them crying, saying "I don't think so!", one of them was totally out of the question when I saw one of the teachers use to work for the daycare I worked at, but the last one...ohman, the last one I left saying, "I can see myself leaving Jeremiah there and feeling comfortable with it." I went in a couple more of times, surprise visits and all were at different times of the day. I made a deposit; never saw anything I didn't like and every time I was there Sandi(the director) was very welcoming and allowed me to walk around.

January 12th came way too fast for me, it was the first day of daycare for my little four month old. The night before I cried myself to sleep; not because of the place I was leaving him, but because I HAD to leave my baby boy for the first time. I cried getting ready that morning, and hugged him so tightly after I got him changed and dressed and whispered in his ears, "It's going to be alright...don't be mad at Mommy." I called Michael when I was leaving the house and he knew that it was best for him to meet me there to help me transition. Oh the teachers - specifically, Kristi, Desi, Sarah/director - Sandi/owner - Almira didn't know what was about to hit them...I was a wreck, a COMPLETE mess. I bawled handing him to them, but I knew...my Mommy's instincts weren't lurky...it was just Mommy didn't want to leave him. I remember looking into his room one last time before walking out of the door and Mrs. Desi handed me the whole box of tissues...."Here you go." Oh she is a sweety! (I only took like 5!)

Today was basically same thing, instead I was picking him for the last time from A Special Place. Today was his last day there. It takes special people to take care of babies all day long, and let me tell you...those people are amazing and special all in one. Over the past few months, Jeremiah has been titled "one of the favorites." It's good to hear good things about your baby no matter how he acts at home. ; ) He was spoiled at daycare, and he loved each one of those girls to death! Every morning to drop off, he had a smile on his face and kicking legs with his arms going nuts. That right there made me feel great about leaving him every morning. Funny Story -- We donated his jumper to them and Michael dropped it off this past Monday. Jeremiah went with him and Mrs. Kristi held him while Michael unloaded it, well when it was time for them to leave....Jeremiah didn't want to go back to Michael. Michael told me that it didn't make him feel good, I said every time he did that to me it made me feel great. He looked puzzled, then I replied with "That's how you know he loves the people that takes care of him and he's been take care of well!"

We got home and I held him again saying, "It's going to be alright...don't be mad at Mommy." I know this move is for the best, I really do and I'm excited but we're not talking about finding care for my pet fish, this is my child, my sweet baby boy. I pray that I find a place as great as A Special Place in Beaumont. This move would be PERFECT if they could come with, but after begging them for the past few weeks....I know it's not going to happen. : )

It's takes "A Special Place" to take care of my baby...and we definitely found it!