Friday, June 24, 2011

Dinner Together

No matter how my family was when I was growing up; my mom would always make sure we ate dinner together. That's where we would share details about our days, what was going on the next day, or where we would tell jokes....just be together. When Stevee and I were both in high school, it became more and more difficult to get all of us at the same table long enough to talk -- but we made it happen. I actually looked forward to dinner "family" matter how crazy my day was I knew there was something I could look forward to at the end of the day -- normalcy. When Michael and I were dating, we ate dinner together every single night -- mostly at his apartment, but it always bugged me that he didn't have a table for us to eat we ate in front of the TV in his living room. I lived with three other girls, so it was hard for me to fix dinner and for us to have time to eat at my table without being interrupted by one of my roomates. (Not meaning that in a bad way...not at all -- I loved my roomates & keep in contact with them via facebook!) But when Michael and I got engaged -- and found the condo we are living in right now; that was the first thing I wanted to get was a kitchen table. Thankfully my mom and dad had the one from our old house in storage; so they gave us theirs. From that day on...we have eaten together at the table. It is something that is important to me -- and it is important to Michael also. Since Jeremiah has been born, there are times that we weren't able to eat together, but we definitely tried..until Jeremiah decided he wasn't allowing it. Now that Jeremiah is older (sad face!) we put him in his space saver highchair and he plays with toys while we eat so we eat together. I love it! We spend most of the time eating while laughing our butts off at Jeremiah -- seriously, this child is hilarious!!

Tonight we went to Chili's for dinner -- it was a last minute decision and mainly because we have NOTHING in this house to eat. (We are changing that tomorrow evening!) Tonight was a funny family dinner! Jeremiah is in love with mash potatoes with cream gravy -- but apparently, not when he sees french fries. He turned his nose up or I should say down (he puts his head down and does his scrunchy face when he doesn't want something!) every time we would come near him with mash potatoes....but the minute we picked up a french fry he went nuts. He ate french fries and sometimes he would take a few bites of the mash potatoes. He cracked us up -- he would take a bite of a french fry and starting one point he had his hands in the he was praising God that we finally allowed him to have a french fry. Oh we were laughing so hard. 
Loved him some french fries

It did get to the point that Michael and I were actually just tossing the french fries into Jeremiah's mouth --- those little teeth freakin' hurt. I don't know how many times Michael and I said, "Oh, ouch!" while feeding Jeremiah french fries. After we fed him and didn't get attacked by the teeth, we would shout for joy! That's why Mommy and Daddy think mash potatoes on the spoon would have been a better choice... HA!

After getting attacked by the teeth, Mommy thought she had a brilliant idea to put the french fry in front of Jeremiah and see if he could feed himself -- I mean everything else that meet his hands also meet his mouth. Except for french fries. Nope, they got squished in his hands. Thank goodness for wipees.

Looking at the fry that was in his hand
After dinner -- we paid, of course -- but I got to thinking that this was the perfect reason I want to eat dinner together always. We talked about our day and shared laughs. After any day, no matter how rough or long the day is...I will always have my boys to come home too.  I love spending time with my boys and being able to laugh and enjoy our son together. And we just thought our night was over.... ha!

We walked to the car and while I was putting Jeremiah in the car, Michael said, "babe, look!" Well, I thought he ran into the giant pole in front of us...which he would have been in BIG trouble; but instead he was talking about this itty bitty kitten that was sitting beside this pole curled up. If you know me, you know that I'm LOVE animals and hate to see them suffer. I mean, I cry every single time those commercials come on with pictures of the poor animals that have been abused. So needless to say, I stopped a group that consisted of a boy and two girls to ask if they were interested in a kitten -- well, of course the girls went crazy about it until the guy went to touch the kitten and he/she went nuts and tried to attack the guy's hand. The guy was ready to leave but the girls and myself didn't feel okay with leaving this kitten on the side of the road basically. We called the shelter and of course they weren't open so no one, I had the brilliant idea to call the police station to see if they could get Animal Control out to come pick him up. In the meantime, we were trying to figure out if this kitten was hurt because he was fine with someone petting his back but the minute you got near his leg -- he flipped out on you. The officer came and deemed him to being hurt because he wasn't moving and normally "kittens that are scared would usually run away." So he calls Animal we all decide to wait for Animal Control -- and thinking we just did an amazing deed. Until this wonderful Officer informed us that "most likely when Animal Control comes they will end up euthanized him." Us girls, went nuts -- I was about to cry along with the other girls....until, the kitten got up and took off underneath a truck. I screamed, "It's a miracle -- he doesn't want to be killed!" We all had a good laugh and then cracked up laughing when the Officer had to call the AC back he started the conversation with, "Apparently, this kitten..." AC was still on it's way, because we still thought something was wrong with him/she.

Jeremiah was looking like he was going to sleep in his carseat so we kept him there; until he started screaming so we took him out and let me tell you -- this boy of mine is a big time flirt. Omgoodness, he was smiling at these girls and talking...oh he's a hoot. He was walking on the sidewalk and he thought that was cool -- he would look at the girls while walking and just smile. Oh he cracks me up --- trying to pick up girls, already! ; )

The kitten, like I stated before, took shelter underneath this truck. We all were joking around thinking the owner of the truck was probably sitting by the window at Chili's thinking, "Crap -- what is going on? Why is there people around my truck and why is an Officer shining a light at my truck?" In the midst of the conversation we were having -- the Officer pointed out that the truck's registration was out. Oops! And then we noticed that the truck didn't have a front license plates -- but the Officer informed us that he doesn't write tickets for that because he didn't have them on his own car for the longest time. What a nice man he was. The AC lady got there -- she wasn't the most gentle lady handling this poor kitten I was hoping for...but I couldn't leave that kitten would have broken my heart! 
Furious Kitty. 
We finally made it home and Jeremiah was ready to eat and I thought to play -- but it seemed like he was actually ready to go to sleep....oops! 
Sweet baby -- sleeping!


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