Monday, June 27, 2011

It's The Little Things

I absolutely hate when I start a movie and then I have to do something else that makes me miss the important when I'm able to get back to watch a few seconds of it...I'm completely lost. But as a Mommy/Wife you gotta do whatcha gotta do. : )

Last night while I was busy cooking the movie, "No Reservations" came on TV. I don't know what makes watching a movie on TV better than watching a DVD; but it is. I think it's the "free" potty breaks. During commercials is the perfect time to go potty, refill your drink, or dust/vacuum a table - whatever makes you happy. I was too busy cooking dinner to really watch it...much less understand what was going on. I told Michael, jokingly, that I was going to Hastings to rent it so I could watch it. About ten minutes later he came to me with Jeremiah telling Jeremiah to tell Mommy bye-bye. I asked Michael where they were going...but he didn't tell. Right as they were leaving Michael smelt Jeremiah. They were delayed a bit, but they went off on their secret errand. About 5 minutes later, dinner was finished --- so I got a few minutes to myself at home.

When they got home; they had eggs(for brownies!), dedorant for daddy, and the "No Reservations" movie. Yes, they went out to buy Mommy the movie so while we ate dinner and relaxed before Jeremiah's dinner...we could watch the movie that I had been trying to watch for the past 2 hours. It made me smile, like I said, it's the little things that count. Don't get me wrong...big nice things are great too; but the little things that come in surprises are the best by far. I absolutely love getting surprises from Michael; it shows me during the day he was thinking of me or last night for example he wanted to make me happy. I could live off of little surprises every.

Since we were dating, Michael has always surprised me with little it a new movie, a new Target cup, a pillow that I mentioned I wanted, flowers, and random texts that tell me that he loves me and he misses me. It brings a smile to my face; the little things shows me he loves me. Actually, he has been "surprising" me with the little things that would make me smile from ear to ear way before we were dating - he would randomly text me, "Don't fly away, Mary Poppins." I love this man with all of my heart and I'm thankful for the little things.

My "honeybee" and his "honeysuckle"
I feel sorry for the people that don't get joys in the little things in life. It's like the saying, "stop and smell the roses." I love my life as a mommy and a wife --- I wouldn't want it any other way.

My family

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