Sunday, November 6, 2011

House/Drama/Party/5K Walk/Drama = the last two months

Life has been nothing but amazing these last few months we have been in Beaumont. We have found out day after day that this move was exactly what our family needed. Don't get me wrong we miss College Station, our friends, but moving to Beaumont has opened so many doors for us that would  have never opened if we were still in College Station in this time of our lives. It's been so long since I have posted a blog -- so get ready for updates & just some plain ole "blogging my thoughts!"

Even though life has been amazing -- that definitely doesn't mean that it has been calm. The last couple of months have been busy. Jeremiah & myself moved to Beaumont on August 5th. Michael's job couldn't let him go so fast & without someone to take his spot. So we lived apart for exactly 4 weeks.  It was a VERY difficult 4 weeks for all three of us. We made weekly trips to Conroe to meet Daddy for dinner, because it was getting to the point that Jeremiah would wave and say, "bye-bye" to Michael was just going to the bathroom. Then would whine & cry. Jeremiah would cry some nights saying, "dada" -- that's when we would basically cry ourselves to sleep. I won't lie, I spoiled Jeremiah those 4 weeks because I allowed Jeremiah to sleep with me most of the time. It was rough getting him to sleep in his own bed once we got into our house. But that's neither here nor there. ; )

The way we were wanting our family to be those 4 horrible long weeks away

We finally closed on our house on Sept 1st. We moved in the following weekend & that Friday after we closed & before we moved in -- Michael called me & said his boss JUST told him that when he came down to move his family into the new house -- he would stay & start in Beaumont that Monday. It was the best news ON TOP of closing on our first home. It was a great weekend. We also were able to have the whole day Monday the 5th since we were both off for Labor Day. We moved EVERYTHING out of storage into our new home that weekend. & it was great to wake up Monday morning as a family & know that it was going to stay that way. We enjoyed a day of watching cartoons with our son that was going crazy of all the room he had to roam in our new home. While in College Station we lived in a condo that was about 900 sqft...and moved into a home that is 1331sqft. It was a huge change, but we ALL love it.

Myself, Marla(our AMAZING realtor), & Michael

Signing our lives away..haha!

Labor Day & the day we got to spend together & enjoy the space
I started my new job at Texas Healthcare Management on August 15th & absolutely love it. I am a billing clerk/coordinator there. I bill Medicare & Medicaid for hospice services for River City Hospice for our Austin & San Antonio locations. I absolutely love my job & enjoy going every day. Michael started his lateral move with Pepsi on September 6. So far, he loves it. His hours are better here in Beaumont than they were in College Station...and with that being said, Jeremiah & I are loving it too! I do work way more than I did in College Station - as I was a part-time receptionist to a full-time billing clerk -- but I LOVE IT. Michael & I get home about the same time every day -- which makes the evenings so much better.

Unlike "normal" people that would move into their house & have weeks before they have any company so they had time to unpack & get that house ready for the many visitors to their new home...we didn't. Ha, because we have come to realize that we are not normal...but "strange." ; ) We had about a week until we actually invited the most people that helped us with the move to come and enjoy a dinner made by us. We were so excited that we wanted to share it with them first before anyone else. We had my parents(which actually found the house & viewed it first & more than ANYONE will know), Nana & Grandaddy(which helped us move & much, much more), Aunt Breezy(but couldn't make it...but she was our "loan officer") && Amanda(which helped us move to Beaumont && into our house) Without those people this move wouldn't have happened AT ALL. They gave us all the support & help we needed to go through with this move, even though some "family" wasn't too happy about us moving -- some thought it was "so far away" and some thought it wasn't the best for us. But "they" really didn't know what was best. This get together was exactly what it was suppose to be. It was great to show everyone around & let them enjoy of our happiness.

Even though this was a great time in our lives there were some that tried to take the "happy" right out of this joyful time for us. Some accusations were made & some decisions were made by Michael & myself. They actually came real easy -- unfortunately. When someone that is "suppose" to be "family" hurts you with hateful, disrespectful beyond words, it comes VERY easy to say, "Goodbye." Like Michael pointed out to someone & told me, "I can't trust [this person] anymore. And I will not bring my wife & son in a position to get hurt again when [this person] can't hold in their feelings anymore." It's true, I was ready to cut this person out after the first. text I received & when Michael read it he was welling (but not really) to talk it through --- then this person made CRAZY accusations that I left Michael, that we caused our son's sickness...and other crazy stuff....& that was the end. Michael called me & said, "don't worry about [her/him] anymore. I feel sorry for the people that this affects that it shouldn't, but like Michael said -- there's no trust anymore. & when it's family -- that's the first thing you should have. I hated the fact this all happened ON the day that we closed for our first home..but jealousy is horrible.

Hilarious --- & excuse the language, but totally fits!

After the "our first home & thank you" party -- we had to plan Jeremiah's First Birthday Party! I couldn't believe & still can't really, that my baby is one. He's not a baby anymore, but I will call him "baby boy" until it's time not to -- believe me, there's a time when every mother should stop. ; ) We celebrated his birthday "day" at Chuck-E-Cheese & he played games & loved it! He's was mess, but throughout the day I had to come to these pictures & couldn't believe the changes in one year ----



Anyways, I had to send out eVites to family/friends we were wanting to invite since we didn't know the exact date until we actually moved into our house. I planned his birthday party in about 3 weeks -- call me crazy, I know. It was a great & I will blog just about it w/ pictures on a later date. This is a blog to just catch everyone up. But know he had a great day -- & we LOVED watching our boy show everyone his personality; especially for people that haven't been an active part in his life. He's a hoot, but it's easy to fall in love with him. His party was on the 24th -- of September.

I love some birthday cake

Aunt Vee even flew in for my party && got me a personalized cozy coupe

October 1st, I walked my first 5k with my employers/co-workers...and had a great time. It was something that opened my eyes, and had me thinking about doing more. After that walk, I went home and searched for more and found a couple of more and decided to sign up. I did my second one last weekend and after some "last minute" change of plans -- Michael actually joined Jeremiah & I and walked with us. It was funny because I wasn't sure if Michael would enjoy it, but afterwards he asked what other walks I signed up for because he might want to do them with us. It was a fun family filled day of saving the ta-tas! ; )

After we finished the walk to.....

save the ta-tas!!

Life has somewhat settled since his party -- I was a nervous wreck for about two months straight with the move, living away from Michael, planning Jeremiah's party, && Jeremiah's surgery. Yes, he had surgery September 27th to get tubes inserted. He did VERY well, and his two week check-up was full of great news. It was a crazy two months, and right when I thought it was fine and life was calming down -- it gets hard. Last week, it felt like deja vu of what happened weeks ago with someone in Michael's family. I have A LOT of decisions to make of what to do with the whole situation, and I will be praying a lot about it in the next few weeks until the decision has been officially made. I really should be praying that the decision I have to make and when I have to let someone of my decision that I will use the right words & not make the situation worse.

Life is crazy -- but I definitely wouldn't want it any other way -- well except for the "drama" that other people cause in my life. I LOVE my house, my family, my husband & my son! Wouldn't be the person I am without them. And no matter what God throws my way -- I'm thankful for the ones that will stick up for me && make me smile! My boy cracks me up no matter what mood I am in. : ) See? You smiled too, huh?! ; )

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