Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our Love Story

I graduated high school in May 2005, it was the ending of a chapter but also the starting of a new exciting chapter in my life. I was excited/nervous/scared to death...well, you get the point. Texas A&M is where I had always dreamed about my daddy. The weekend before classes were scheduled to start my parents & Nana moved me into my campus dorm in Wells. They left; I cried, but I knew my purpose. I was there to get an education, to receive a degree in whatever I wanted in the next 4 years, to enjoy my college years....getting/finding a husband was NEVER on my "to do" list. Classes started. Little did I know, that second class on Mondays, Wednesdays would change my life forever. In this class, Hist- we had to have assigned seats...stupid I know; but it was the rule. The second day of class wherever we sat - that was our new seat for the rest of the semester. I sat down && a handsome man sat next to me. (The first day I sat by him...but he found me & sat by me the second day to make sure he was sitting by me the whole semester...yes, that's the truth! Unless you talk to Michael...)

We made small talk for the first few months. We nick-named our professor "Dark Fingers," because he really did have dark fingers. We laughed...played tic-tac-toe during class...made fun of the other girl that sat on the other side of Michael that drew marijuana plants all over her paper...basically everything but listen to Dark Fingers. We exchanged first & last names...he kept telling me his last name was "Strange." Myself - "Okay, I won't make fun of it. I'm not rude. What is it?" It got to the point of the conversation that he pulled out his dl & then I actually did laughed. Oops.

I remember it was Halloween and I had told him that I wanted to get some candy from the store because we were told kids were allowed to come with parents to trick-or-treat. Thought nothing about it...until he "followed" me to the commons entrance, flagged me down & told me to get in and he would take me to the store. He says to this day that I had also told me that I got a really good parking spot in the garage so he was being sweet and allowing me to keep my spot(I don't remember that!). The only thing I could think remember was, "My momma told me to never get in a car with a stranger..and here I am. My momma told me not to. What in the world am I doing?" Needless to say, he did take me to get candy and he brought me back home. : ) I can now laugh at this, but then I was terrified that something was going to happen. Hehe!

We had a friendship that was unique. It was different. It was perfect. We went out to dinner some, but the best "date" we ever went on was the time we met at the local Coldstone shop. We sat there for hours, it was like 3-4 hours and just talked. I knew then that there was something special about this man. He was there for me in one of the toughest times of my life; November 18th, 2005. It was rough - but he was there.

My second semester; we continued to talk some. He took me to dinner and to get ice cream - he nicknamed me "Mary Poppins" so he would randomly text me when it was raining "Be Careful and don't fly away, Mary Poppins." It would always make me smile. Summer came & we lost touch in the beginning until about July. I text him to tell him that I was moving back in the beginning of August and that we needed to get together. We text for a good while -- had no idea he was visiting with his mother in Galveston. That definitely didn't stop him. : )

*Our first official date to The Hall for my birthday*

It was like the minute I was in town...he was there at my new apt waiting on me. Not really, but he was there the first day I moved it - Mom & Nana & myself needed help moving my T.V. so he came and helped. We had dinner at Olive Garden and they both to this day says they knew he was the one for me. We goofed off, and had a great time the whole day. We started actually dating in September...don't ask the date because it just happened! I met his sisters & their families & his mother the weekend of his birthday, October. We were engaged in November 06. It was fast..and sudden. && we were married December 15th, 2007.

 *The night before Rehearsal*

The wedding was perfect. Not saying if we were to do it all over again, there wouldn't be changes, because there would be some. But at the end of the day, we were married and that's all that mattered. No matter if there were people at the time that didn't agree that I was the best match for Michael, we were married. We loved each other and that was what counted at the end of the day.
*Photos from our wedding*

Not saying that we don't have our ups and downs, because believe me we have. But who doesn't? We've had hard decisions to make, family issues, but that has NEVER came between the love that we have for each other. I love him more today than I did when we got married. I love him more and more each day & can't picture my life without him. He's my soulmate, my lover, my best friend & my hero.

It's love. <3

March 2011 <3

The End.